4 services offered by student residences

Among all the accommodation options, student residences have become very popular in recent years. Do you know why? Because of all the services and amenities they offer to college students. When you move in and start studying at college, the last thing you want to do is cooking and cleaning. There will be so much […]

Learning Portuguese: resources for international students

Compañeras de habitación estudiando

Enriching your experience in Porto involves not only enjoying its culture and beauty, but also immersing yourself in the local language: Portuguese. Mastering this language will open doors for you to better interact with the local community, understand the history and traditions of the place, and make the most of your stay in Portugal. Fortunately, […]

Nightlife scene in Porto: activities and attractions for students

Vida nocturna estudante no Porto

Get ready to immerse yourself in Porto’s exciting nightlife! As a student in this Portuguese city, you will have access to a wide variety of activities and attractions that will make your nights unforgettable. We will guide you through the best nightlife entertainment options, from bars to cultural events and special activities in the city. […]

6 tips for taking good notes at university

apontamentos na universidade

Taking notes in high school was the same as copying what the teacher had written on the blackboard, but at university, most teachers give long lectures and don’t write anything down. What’s the result? You don’t take notes either and when the exam is coming up, you don’t even know what to study. This is […]

Differences between a student residence and a halls of residence

Na Espanha, os estudantes universitários muitas vezes ficam divididos entre morar em uma residência de estudantes ou em um internato. Embora os dois sejam ótimas opções de acomodação para estudantes universitários, eles são realmente diferentes quando comparados. Para que você saiba qual é a acomodação que mais se adapta aos seus gostos e interesses, informaremos […]

9 tips to become a successful student

Consejos para ser un es

All students want to excel, but sometimes distractions complicate the process. If you want to improve your academic performance and don’t know where to start, don’t despair. Being a successful student requires commitment, focus and discipline. Nothing comes easy, so you will have to work a little harder every day to become a better student. […]

5 things that you’ll only find in a student residence

What differentiates student residences from other types of accommodation are the facilities. Services like housekeeping and access to facilities like the swimming pool and rooftop terrace are some of the things you’ll only find in a student residence. At LIV Student, we provide you services and common areas that you won’t find anywhere else. And […]

Security in student residences

Antes de se mudar para uma residência de estudantes, é importante se certificar de que é seguro para você e seus pertences. Lá você armazenará alguns de seus objetos de valor mais preciosos, como computador, celular e qualquer outro dispositivo eletrônico. Você pode até estar usando um relógio ou uma joia que goste muito. Esses […]

Start studying at university

Começar a universidade raramente é fácil para os alunos. Encontrar novos amigos, familiarizar-se com assuntos e mudar de casa pela primeira vez são novos desafios. Freqüentemente, o primeiro ano da universidade é o mais difícil, mas seguindo algumas dicas básicas, é possível ter sucesso e continuar até o seu precioso diploma. Você só precisa definir […]